joining us now to discuss how the university of florida has adapt is joe glover, senior vice president for academy affairs. provost. welcome to the program. was there a drop off of minority students after the ban. >> yes, but we discovered ways to work around that drop off. >> you still wanted a diversified body, how did you get one? >> yes, we believe we have achieved it. we focus on students who are from low-income families and the first from their families to go to college. we found that they were quite diverse from a socio-economic view. we provide financial packages that make it possible for them to attend college, keeping in mind that they come from low-income families and particular families in that group are averse to loans. we do financial aid passage so students from that group don't have to take any loans. >> those other metrics that you talked about, using economic profiles, for instance, do they serve as reliable proxies for race. if you use them do you end up with an application pool that is similar to high school in florida? >> no, that is not our objective. we do seek t