so he would have village characters like maxwell and joe gould, famous joe gould do a drunken floor show and people would throw money at them. then in the late 1930s, as hitler is devouring europe an entire generation, the cream of european arts and intellectualism and scholarship fleece to america. comes, almost all of them come through new york city. many of them stay in new york city and many of them the ones who stayed in new york city worked their way down to the village. one of the reasons was the new school was in the village. the new school had very aggressive policy hiring these folks. in new york city, not just at the new school but in city and village, let's say by 1940, salvadore dali, pete mondiran, hannah arent. claude straus and a whole bump of other people. a lot were in fact on the faculty of the new school. if you were on the g.i. bill at the end. war and you could go to the new school for free for certain amount of time, you could go through for, like hannah arent or claude straus or wh being your teacher and really forefree. part think from their influence, not just f