take notice of its investors to seven borrow is keeping the bank no comeback on the village is joe higgins said the jury may feel there are other people to set up the sides. he said the hike to try the case against dc men decided they were guilty of any or all of the charges beyond reasonable can't. the defense cuts funded on the town is standing by the snow at the fort and see things through to those today defence counsel for the sweden has a number of admissions to make to the courts. sr has been renting the amazing number of admissions on the hop up on the korean. he admits that the money had been lent it to the tenth highest ratio of july to the people in aid to the chard is not a happy dance for the purpose of buying shares at times though and in execution of a plan to end at the port city on a winding up sean koreans cfd position as he admitted that he was one of the people involved in implementing the plan but he said he did last weekend on the bases and into to the fact that he was in the court the request of the bank's business. also his understanding that the irish that i can eat