i hope we can get joe kaeser back.ery important ceo, and there is a lot to talk about on cybersecurity. to point out, david, the role of blockchain in all of these conversations could be key as well, because that could facilitate not big point, blockchain facilitates trade and communication. both sides need to have the technology to do it or it i think it will be an issue overall with cybersecurity. we do have breaking news on italy. so far, the five-star league will agree on a final government program, and that comes from unofficial, so the two parties are trying to form a government, it appears that they do have a final agreement there. i want to take a look at what is happening in the current market. euro-dollar pretty much going nowhere, $1.17. taking a look at the bond market, italy still trading lower. of course the question becomes -- how do they pay for all of that? i am assuming there will be a lot of tax breaks the i am assuming tax reform out the window. david: is it good news or bad news? there are suggesti