. >> a different sort of drama now plays out for joe leija. >> going to get sentenced today.on't have to apologize to the victim's family, but i am going to. i think it looks better, shows i am sorry. >> move it, everybody has to fit tlin. >> make me realize the damage i have done to this family. i have a lot of regrets. you know, to kill somebody. i am going to have a lot of family in the courtroom, my parents will be there, my mom, my dad, my aunt, uncle, brothers and sisters. makes it way easier for me. >> as the proceedings get under way, the victim's mother takes the podium and reads her statement to the court. >> i still don't understand why you had to pump six bullets into my son. it just goes to show what a cold-blooded killer you really are. it seems to me taking a life came way too easy for you. now i wonder how many other lives you may have taken with no remorse. you didn't just shoot a person, you shot my son. you took a big part of our lives away, that piece of the puzzle will always be missing. i hope you rot in prison for the rest of your life. even that would