left in iraq i'm joined now by political analyst joe maccarone. so we've had very specific goals in mind when we entered the country we wanted to depose of saddam hussein get him out of power and we wanted to find locate and take control of the weapons of mass destruction will saddam hussein is dead and we know now that there are no weapons of mass destruction so technically we have control of all of them is this a mission accomplished in this case. i mean mission accomplished was we have the missions i think to do this through the mission food but i think after this goes and six we have the shift of strength that you were the coalition election the republicans both lost the election you had gets going to go up you had big you had those this whole shift the sued but differently we never phoned. up of months ructions so the image of the invision the was not for food some ho but the most important thing. we have to look back i think the big picture of the invasion if you want to look back ten years or ten years now we see that iraq change washington