we were with steve buscemi and joe mantegna. >> jimmy: right, yeah.was an all-star cast. it was great fun. we would get in at like 4:00 in the afternoon, sun's going down. i'd get my wig stapled to my head. [ laughter ] adam would eat all the chicken wings. then we'd go shoot something on top of the parking structure that's the "die hard" building, as it was known. >> jimmy: oh, right, the "die hard" building. >> we'd stage dive off into an adoring crowd to make our escape into the arms of the police who throw us in jail. but there was a crash mat down below. and we were all really psyched to do our stunt. and steve and i and adam on action, go! we went over. no problem. adam went thud. and then years later told me that he actually had twisted his back really bad. we thought, we should have listened to joe mantegna who's like, "can you just let the grownups do the stunts, you guys?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he advised you not to jump off the building, yeah. >> that and wear comfortable shoes because you're going to be spending a lot of time in them on a