we want to bring in now, former miami beach detective joe matthews. ke the school is taking this seriously, though it is hard to tell if what the kids saw was really a gun? >> the first thing they'd do is interview the three boys separately to validate what they have to say and if they went through the alert system, then, i'm sure they thought it was credible and the second thing is, i'm sure someone right now is checking all the surveillance cameras, throughout the university, to see if anyone is wearing that type of clothing that fits the description and if many cases if they did not see the weapon itself, that he was covering, a number of scenarios could have taken place, number one, he did it intentionally, to, you know, play with the kids, like, covering up something that was insignificant, and made it feel like it was significant, or, he could have been an innocent person, walking with something, and th thought it was something that was illegal. and it might have been a justification on the part of the person carrying it, not... though it might b