says joe mysia been told her store at the property value of the neighborhood. this book was inspired, so to speak, but a story in the "washington post" on the anniversary of one of the first protests by american jews against hitler. it may well have been the first. this was in march of 1933, only days after he had taken power, some 4,000 jewish veterans of world war one assembled in downtown manhattan to warn the threat the nazis posed was not only jews, but to the country's. they carry the stars and stripes and the star of david and march to city hall where they called upon new york's mayor to get the u.s. government to protest the anti-semitic violence which was already well under way in hell is german. some 50,000 new yorkers of various faiths, madison square garden, echoing the demands of the jewish veterans, the call for an economic boycott of germany. as time went on, even has hillers bork against the gile mounted the public protest faded. american jews were at the time the richest and most influential community in the world. some jews view that even in a