we spoke with joe oldman, host of the conservative daily podcast. besides the scandal slipped under the radar in the west. i don't think it got picked up by the main stream media right away. it got picked up by the alternate media. i know i did a mess. i did a story on, on the 15th, 2 days after the posting, but i think the, the, the thing that the brought the news media to the attention of having to talk about it was that it got widespread spread like wildfire that here is this mentally ill individual, this, this american that has counted working with the fbi, i am working with government apparatuses in the united states now is the spokes person for ukraine. and now calling for the death of, of journalists which, which is a violation of international law. not, not that the united states and or ukraine is gonna follow anything related to international law, but it just, uh, i think that's what put it in the spotlight now. everyone's talking about it and, and now they had to do something because it was a, it was a blatant disregard for, for, for, was calling for the death of journalists,