it is produced by joe roth. roth has produced a slew of successful disney movies. senior west coast correspondent jon erlichman nla with more, and jon, doesn't angelina jolie's daughter have a cameo in "maleficent" because she was not the only one who is not scared of the custom? >> that is a good teaser, and maybe we'll find out, emily. joe roth has run major hollywood studios like fox and disney. but two he has not one disney movies. he joins us right now. maybe with a few tidbits of behind the scenes. joe, good to see you. let's start with "maleficent." obviously a lot of buzz. out of the finished product compared to what you first envisioned for this? >> the finished project is so far superior from what i imprisoned because robert stromberg is a man who designed both "avatar" and "alice in so it isd," and "oz," a spectacular looking film in 3-d. it is really lush and taking you to places you have never been. >> you're talking to somebody -- about somebody who i believe has film atrected a all, right, this is his first feature, and you have always been a believe