. >> it's interesting, junas you know, jimmy, joe sestak has been through this show a few times and aot of other places, arguing that the military is imperiling us not just in excess of the spending, but the excess of spending and the blasting and the bombing around the world. he's an advocate of hot spotting, if you will, in the military apparatus, which is, use the counterintelligence, over allocate to the very specific issues, and don't just randomly order, as karen said, 40 of these, 70 of those, and 55 of these. do you get the sense that this particular proposal of the president is drifting in the sestakian direction? >> sestakian, i love that. i don't know if it's something is that sestak would like or not like. but what i can say is we are here in 2012, i can't believe that, but we have a military for the 1980s. and it's a bloated. it doesn't mean it's not a great military. it's a great military. we have the best military in the world. but i don't want to see us building, you know, so many bombers or planes, et cetera, etc. i would rather us build the computers that do those th