that the democrats always win pennsylvania and -- >> i'll tell you one thing, very good news for joe sestakif your presidential candidate wins, you're going to win. there's one pickup for the democrats because of moving to pennsylvania. i'm sure they have thought about that. they can win a seat and knock off toomey and pick the senate back up. if hillary becomes the next president -- >> you mean nominee, she will be the nominee and has a chance to win the general. it's all about everything everything is better off now because of philly. >> and philadelphia clearly can host it they've got hotels -- >> history. >> they've got something to say. it's what i was arguing, you've got the declaration of independence, the constitution both written right there on market street. we hold these truths to be self-evident, all men and women are created equal. life and liberty and pursuit of happiness, if you're a gay couple african-american, all of the values instilled in history not always honored but today are more increasingly honored, it's a great place to go back and say this is what we believe in. g