for more let me bring in former admiral joe sestak a former pennsylvania congressman who is now running for senate. thanks for being here. does this political rhetoric match the reality on the ground of what has unfolded? >> no it doesn't. that's the shame. i can remember having the carrier battle group, 30 ships, of which only ten were united states ships, as we were doing the air strikes into afghanistan. i was told to take this battle group through the straits of hormuz into the persian gulf so we might begin an early running start to the war. only the british and the australians came with us. rest of the world did not. we went into this where we divided our forces it away from afghanistan into iraq. people didn't even understand the difference between the shia and a sunni. for anyone to have thought that leaving 10,000 troops after that tragic misadventure within iraq where would they would have been subject to iraqi potentially shia law, we could never do that to our service members. we broke it like general powell said. we broke it and these splinter groups are the result of our g