there was an incident reported by joe tucker about a first grader who had a gun and brought it to school. we have to question how does that happen? what is the thinking, and again you're talking about a first grader. and what can we do as youth workers? as educators? as parents. as teachers to help insure that our youth don't grow up in a world where that type of behavior becomes the norm. we have an incredible, incredible array of speakers here today. by speakers, i mean individuals who have come here to share their experiences. i want to emphasize this is about community participation. what that means, community participation, all of you as exerts in what you do in your work working with our young people need to have a voice. so we will have questions, but more importantly solutions is what we're asking for. not speaking but solutions. we're also broadcasting this about 12 times over the next 6 months. so those of you in our viewing audience who would like to participate in the action plan, it simply send an email to us. go to it's also available online. you can