other states around the country, and word is spreading month second amendment supporters about joe zamudo the open carrier who happened to be shopping nearby when the shooting started. he saw the gunman and another man struggling with the gun. at that point he didn't know who the shooter actually was. he chose not too fire his weapon, but instead hold both men down. he admits, in the chaos things could have gone terribly wrong. >> a bunk of people watching, and all those people watching seeing me pull a gun out, thing second shooter. and in arizona, where people keep guns the their cars somebody could have shot me. >> lisa: now gun owners insist he is a perfect example of why americans should have the choice to arm themselves. >> opening doors, you know basically saying people should have weapons in case something like this happens. >> lisa: gun control advpcates view the tucson attack as reasons for more regulation. members applaud california's new state law which takes effect in february. it requires handgun ammunition be bought in person with i.d. and thumbprint for extra verification.