welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max kaiser time now to turn to joel benjamin over there in london joe welcome back i'm x. all right listen joe another building this time student housing has gone up in flames thanks to what's called flammable cladding tell us what's happened but 1st for our international audience put this latest fire in the context of this ongoing issue in the u.k. . sure so as you say last friday there was a major fire in the combination of can both and. as you point out it was caused or at least exacerbated by flammable cladding on the outside of the building and if you sort of video see if it was flames leaping up the exterior of the boating hundreds of students had to be evacuated and thankfully in this case there were no fatalities even though a couple of paper which phrase that it is saying why and the agency services so we had around about $200.00 firefighters trying to heck with this place. and this of course comes just 2 and a half years off the great intro tallit tragedy with 72 people who lost their lives and it was again the result of being on the exter