good if there's a ball whether it's actually get worse i'm going to war and joel mohammed the influential and controversial head of the iranian media now when he returned from exile to a hero's welcome. for journalists all with a part to play in this new phase of their country's history this is not the first time they're speaking with the listening post in twenty eighteen we interviewed them on their media expectations of the new prime minister we've come back to them now to get their thoughts on key media aspects of abbey ahmed ethiopia. if you are ready to be held accountable he has to start talking to the media. but they have not been accessible not been as open as they promised to be they. promised the press office with the whole been partners and all of this weekly or biweekly press conferences they had just one thing and they did not do it other than he has also not made the media so far. to face our questions so that makes me worry of whether he is genuine or not if you wanted to have. requests for interview you don't get that opportunity we see more and more government officials u