one that is confounding biologist. joel munoz and his team has to do with how ear weeks care for their young. the earwigs look after their eggs in a similar way to birds. the female protects the x and always stays close by. after 2 months, when the larva hatch, the female earwig keeps protecting them against predators, a rather unusual behavior in the insect world. since the bible was good for was a good amount of a task of 10. if it's here, you can see the mother transporting or off spring to a new place with her mouth parties to get back to just as mother cats do when they are stresses in the shuffle, they take the captains and move them to another place. it is. i'm not but couldn't the larva survive without the mother? why all this effort, the researchers discovered that the mother also benefits from the extensive time with her off spring. they help rid her of parasites. so is this behavior in 8? to find out, mooney 8 tries separating a mother from her newly hatched ear. week babies later, these air weeks have off spring at their own. how will they now look after their babies? a few