i'm sure there will be more news from joel pollack, the counsel at breitbart.sad loss today. >> i know this has been hard for you, because you were so close. what are the things you are going to remember? >> he inspired me in a lot of ways. he inspired me to look at journalism through new eyes. he inspired a lot of people like me who got through with new media, he inspired people to get out in politics and fight. i don't mean wivitriolic speechr anything, but there's battles that they engaged with the right as well, with republicans, he stood for truth. he was a very accessible person. he was a very fantastic speaker. i will say this, i never understood how he did this, he could go on stage with no notes at all, whatsoever, no idea of what he was going to speak about. he would give one of the greatest speeches, a 40-minute speech with nothing. just right there on the spot ad-lib. he was very gifted in that way and an inspirational figure. and a figurehead of conservative politics a figurehead of the tea party movement and a great void has been left in our movem