after spending some time with joel reynolds, i got the legal details, and it's not an "in cold blood"legal drama, it's an administrative trial about environmental law. but what really hooked me was, as i started to dig deeper into the navy's history -- because the way the press was presenting the story was sort of the environment versus national security. and in terms of, you know, the whales versus the navy. and, in fact the huge irony that i was able to uncover that really was an untold story is that the navy really invented the whole discipline of marine mammal science, that before the navy discovered and confirmed that dolphins and other small whales toothed whales echo locate and have what they came to call biosonar, nobody cared about whales except whalers. this is back in the '50s. [laughter] and nobody knew anything about whales and there were no seatologists or marine mammal scientists. so the navy started pulling people like john lilly anybody they could find who they could hire to study these animals. so what emerged was a story where they were trying to reverse engineer th