. >> i am a democrat and i supported bernie sanders and and voted for joel stein in the green party and so on.ic i view this as a response to the failures of the party to come front the long-standing problems in the united states that the democrats have no solution to. i felt this coming for a long time and thought it was a terrible mistake to push herpu through as a nominee. it's my opinion. quite frankly i wish there had been younger candidates in both parties. i think it is time for myi generation but they didn't learn to get off the stage. i wanted nominees for both parties to be younger people in their 40s or their early 50s. i don't know how it happene hape ended up with so many older nominees but i hope this is going to be a great blast of energy into the political syst system. but it's important for my party, the democrats, since they made an analysis of the reason for the issues of job creation and other things, reduction of theio federal bureaucracy. it was an issue the democrats were hopeless with, the bureaucracy is to me a parasite whether it is in washington or college cam