on vietnam i think not just me but ed sorrell, joez phiffer, i hope i'm not putting him in prison, there were others, steve rothman, a group of political cartoonists that moved toward deeper satire in a sense. what the date is confirmed for the intelligentsia, i am not sure which pronunciation, but they confirm for that eckert the profs, the intellectuals now take a clear stand and a clear stand was leading young people and the young people came back with affirmation of what they were saying so they did influence but it had to have a movement toward something in the first place. >> these drawings that you did, you told me earlier that this is where is this the desk? >> this is the desk because it is a certain height. i never could figure out why i only felt comfortable here. but in painting i worked with things on my lap because it was light weight and something you carry around. but here i needed to change an ankle or something that would increase my control and that would help. >> what kind of pain did you use? i see one sitting there. is that what you used? >> no, that's -- let me che