founder frank rosenbaum and our long time actually executive director and now chief operating officer johan gris to look at the possibilities. what if. why not? can we try this. because we're not -- we don't receive instructions from above except from within. we actually can inspire each other to come up with ideas. so dawn had created this bridge with berkley rep and they were bringing row the amazing play by lisa looper to the birthday wrap from the oregon shakespeare festival and i had seen the play in oregon and i was so taken by it and then i was inspired as where in the text, where in the sacred scriptures that people keep raising around the play is abortion mentioned or how is it interpreted? okay. where is it in the kor kor ran. so what if during the run of row we made a panel of an islamic scholar, a catholic scholar, and a jewish scholar, and put them in a room and all they really need to do was tell their story of how they interpret a text to find a world view on abortion. we call it the revealing text. and it took awhile. people are accustomed to debating. or to be shot down or to be