and the german philosopher and writer johann jote once said that a person knows himself only to the extentt he knows the world. be open to this world, engage in self-development and follow the fashion trends of the cultural life of our country alina was not at war with you and remember to be cultural - it's fashionable see you in a week before new cultural meetings. do you think that it is impossible to visit a closed production even when and when we release something, this is a big burden and you need to keep the brand, so our mood is responsible and fighting, wonderful people work here. we are producing a beautiful quality mark in the project, inspiring stories of belarusian enterprises and people who work there. well, and we have a number of products. we try to tell the story the history of the country the history culture of the country, uh, writing, painting, everyone is somehow used to seeing only two hands on the clock, three five hands. yes, i asked myself this question. why not one here learn to work. it takes years to become a specialist. they see what kind of chocolate in my eyes