. -- i assume ite is a parliamentary thing -- but if the hastert rule was not used to give aynor -- john boehner cover where he needs the majority of republicans to vote on the bill, we could get work done, because that is not really a constitutional rule. secondly, republicans did not have the will to do the plan. it took 18 months to negotiate almost in bad faith, like the people saying the iranians would , after having 18 months of his presidency wasted, decided to go with a democratic majority in the house and senate. lastly, he won twice. where is the opposition to the law when he won twice on the law? , i thinkastert rule you all have given him a pass, boehner, because that is the real holdup on the passing of the continuing resolution and several other things. host: we got the point, randall. mr. ponnuru? to the question of republicans not negotiating for the first 18 months of his presidency. well, you know, look, they come , actually january of 2009, the republicans are pretty nervous about opposing president obama. he has just won, his popularity is really through the roof. rep