member of the health committee, along with health committee member tom coburn, and finally, senator john barrassos attending include house speaker nancy pelosi, house majority leader steny hoyer, majority whip james clyburn, ways and means committee chairman check rangel, education committee chairman george miller, henry waxman, and the chairman emeritus, john dingell, xavier becerra, louise slaughter, and congressman robert andrews and jim cooper. on the republican side, john boehnerill be attending, along with eric cantor, and joe barton, ways and means committee ranking republican dave camp, john kline, marsha blackburn, charles waboustany, peter roskam, and finally, paul ryan. coverage begins at a half an hour, and watch it on c-span3,, or listen to it on c-span radio. guest: "washington journal" can -- >> "washington journal" continues. host: julie rovner from national public radio joines as. guest: the issues on the table, what is ostensibly on the table, is is there room for some common ground to be found between the democrats and republicans? the president laid out his own plan