correspondent john barry joe why was this visit significant. will offer its is i suppose has become a synonym synonym for the for the show for the attempt by the nazis to eliminate eradicate the jewish population of europe it's significant because it's coming to the end of her term of office as chancellor angela merkel and i think it because of the last 14 years that she's been chancellor the whole question of anti-semitism to take a stand against it and also has solidarity with the state of israel has been a very important part of a chance for a shift i think this is an important symbol together so given that 14 years she spent in the post why do you think it's taken so long for her to make this visit i can only speculate of course there were many people don't realize is there were dozens if not hundreds of small concentration camps labor camps throughout germany and occupied europe in eastern europe and she has made visits to several of those it's also important of course that the suffering of people in those smaller camps is also highlighted