and we saw a film like "brides "bridesmaids" and if john belleabellwill you she was alivd throw up. and i drink because i cap. >> we are not the same. we make ourselves veryville any aniekerville veryvulnerable. if we go back to the generation of our mothers. at one point it was believed that 2 20% of american women wee taking valium. why the shift to alcohol? the cultural shift? >> the women stayed at home and it's cool to be outside and mingle. >> and the alcohol industry has a lot to do. you mentioned alco pops that were mar deathe marketed to wom. one lobbyist in washington per ever two members of congress for the alcohol industry? >> yes you get an an expert at john hohopkins and he shakes his head and says this can't be turned around. why the alcohol business is involved in social media to such a degree they are flying under the radar in terms of marketing to young people on facebook and and youtube. and they seek out that alcohol brand and then it's communicating with them like a person or a friend. >> how you ar are you doing witr addiction. >> i'm humbled and appreciative t