major bank robber lived and worked within a three block radius of where we are standing today, john bellinger, babyface nelson, all of them were here and people don't know that. there is no statute of these gangsters that this was the epicenter of 1930s crime in the era of john bellinger. the fbi and federal bureau of investigation had this building as their headquarters and this is also the building where all of the bootleggers and individuals were tried and sent to alcatraz and leavenworth prison and other prisons across america. it is where it began and where it ended as well. and we are standing here looking over the junction of the minnesota and mississippi river. st. paul is located up from fort snelling. the fort is intimately connected in the creation of st. paul. in the 1830s, there were groups of settlers that were living on a military settlements and finally the army had had enough and they felt that they should be removed from the military property and the sellers moved across the river to the other side and they formed what became the nucleus of the city of st. paul. when you thi