you believe bob woodward killed john belushi?w. >> i do. >> wow. >> i do, i do breaking, you know? i mean, look, this is like the opposite of this effect is like when joy behar makes a good point. >> yes. >> by the way, trump is renaming the view the gulf of menopause. >> but well done. >> but no, like like my dad sometimes will say something to me and then it just makes me question everything he's ever told me. like, yeah, like when i was 17, i got an std and i called my dad and i'm like, it burns when i pee. what does that mean? and he's like, some people talk about you, your ears burn. and i was like, yeah, he's like, your girlfriend's banging somebody. >> okay, okay. >> i admire how you work these jokes. >> yeah. >> into topics that have no connection whatsoever. >> but to be fair, his dad was right. >> yeah. yes, yes, she. >> was about way. >> of telling. >> somebody. >> that's for sure. okay. >> the journal wants restraints on white guy complaints. >> if you've been. prescribed supplemental oxygen now, you can free yourself