so my question to speaker john boehr,y quo marity leader cantor, my question to every single member whoorks up here, if today, the fifth and versery of the worst shooting in our country's history, is not the time, if tomorrow when 32 more americans killed from gunfire is not the time, which day is the time? which day would it be appropriate for you to talk about this issue and talk about what we can do? it is beyond time for us which is why we are here to make you talk about this, to bring this in front of you and demand that you support some common sense solutions that the vast majority of your people support. so i'm honored to be here with the 32 families. and at this point i would like to turn it over to them. thank you very much. >> now i want to introduce my brother, matthew, who is going to say a couple$of words about his tragedy. >> hello. i was shot at the empire state buildingrom a guy whoúgotúthe gun in florida and he was from another country and he gave the address to his hotel. he shot me in my head. as you can see i didn't die but he killed my guitarist. and my frkend. what