speaker, john quincy adams once said if your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. ecial forces sergeant dana bowman is are inspiring those around him. he is a retired sergeant first class with the u.s. army special forces and member of the golden knights. on february 6, 1994, while training and descending 300 mile-an-hour from the plane that dropped him, he collided with his teammate. the result of that collision was the unfortunate death of him and the severing of both his legs, one above the knee. nine months following this tragic event, he became the first double amputee to enlist in the united states army. this ssed his fortitude week at the 2018 opening of the program. ip during the beginning of the shooting matches for this year, he sergeant parachuting with a gigantic american flag that helped to unfurl. after a few short minutes, he landed perfectly. what a sight to behold. i say, truly this man embraces the words, land of the free and home of the brave and teaches us and reach boff limitations. god speed, sergeant bowman, you make us proud to be americans. the speaker pro tempore: for what