f, authorize the john bradivctionv manager to execute a joint funding agreement with the u.s. geological survey for an amount not to exceed $335,5 20 and with the duration of one year. g, authorize -- approve and authorize the general manager to execute amendment number 1 to extend the term of the memorandum of agreement between the sfpuc and the city of san bruno for project number cuw 301 03. the proposed amendment will extend the term of the agreement for 18 months with no additional funds required. h, accept the work performed by a roos construction company & associates for contract wd 263 4, approve modification no. 3, increasing the contract by 344,118, and authorize final payment to the contractor. i, accept work performed by a ruiz construction company for a total contract amount of 1,9 79,86 6 and authorize final payment to the contractor. * j, authorize and ratify the execution of the extension of the joint exercise of powers agreement with the bayshore sanitary district through december 31st, 2012. k, approve commission appointment to the san joaquin tributaries aut