doctor john bradshaw spent 30 years studying cats. must be nice.eves they don't view humans as another species the way dogs do. for instance, by rubbing up against you a cat is treating you like it would treat its mother. that's what i tell the police. and when you see an upright tail, it is actually a greeting sign between cats. bottom line, cats are very stupid. so why don't we just go to andy. oh. andy left. >> why? >> i guess it is some kind of weird protest. >> too personal. >> he doesn't like talking about cats so he left. >> it is a conflict of interest. >> he can't actually cover this story objectively. >> i think i hear him in the back using the litter box. >> andy is a lot funnier when he is not here. >> nicely done. it is like the ghost of andy. rick,. >> yes? do you have a question? >> cats haven't invented anything. >> as far as i'm aware of. >> i don't see cat tools, cat automobiles. how can they see us as cats? they have to look at us and say wow, look at all of this great stuff like cupboards and junk. >> you know what the study say