the appellants filed this appeal for the very narrow issue of assuring that the permit holder, john britton, who is also the owner and the landlord of this, does not use this permit in order to eliminate the appellants' long-term laundry facilities at this. they recognize and have never disputed that the notice of violations issued by the department of building inspection do, in fact, identified and list serious problems with conditions of the decks and the stairs at this property. on top of that, the appellants welcome repair work if it is in the scope that he will conduct pursuant to this permit. they welcome that repair work to actually abate these notices of violation. it is very important that the board understand that that is not an issue here at all. the only issue here, once again, is that based on permit holder's communications with appellants based on the permit holders lack of response to the appellants' fears over the last few months in regards to their laundry, they filed this appeal. hopefully with better communication between the parties, we would not be here tonight, but unf