john brown gordon's entire second corps. they can support one another. on the western front, the confederates are too stretched out. all day long, april 2, 1865, through 94 the confederates are starting to evacuate. it is similar to the bloody angle. an intensity, though not in memory, at fort mahone. if you see any photographs of petersburg fortifications, if you see any photo of the fortifications besides the aerial shots, they come from fort sedgwick and fort mahone, including the famous photos of the fallen confederate soldiers. >> it is a bit of an inside joke, you wrote this wonderful book. this is a wonderful book, but you don't mention the ninth corps. it is a book about the breakthrough. sometimes you cannot please everyone. other questions? yes? >> you mention artillery at the point of the breakthrough. can you elaborate little more about that, because you described how the confederate line was so stretched out as far as infantry was concerned. edward: this is one of those things where -- i will make this a call -- if anyone has any resources o