[applause] >> tammy: there you go nobody deserves more rounding applause than john burman bravery threefor the last several hours and it's impossible. >> where i live the rain was just torrential. >> when i left my house this morning, a while ago now, i mean there was a giant tree on the street. my way in, this has been like a two and a half hour odessey, the way in was nuts. this is a site you don't see you are going to see which is a tree down blocking the road: i have seen a lot over the last several hours. at one point the road were just completely stopped. >> what you are looking at here is the good news in a sense that for me at least, is i made it to manhattan. >> it was an unbelievable trip. i think it's amazing i got in at all. >> tammy: boy, it's all about him, isn't it? you see heroes don't wear capes, sometimes they hold microphones. here now to react chris stegall of the chris stegall show. it's great to see you. great to be on with you earlier today on your radio program. when i hope everyone is listening to. that is the american legacy media, regular media what do you thi