for the next six years, while butler and his new shooting partner john graham performed on the variety circuit, annie stayed in the background. that was about to change. butler and graham were playing a theater in springfield, ohio, when john graham suddenly fell ill. annie filled in, holding the targets. ( gunshot ) ( crowd booing ) that night frank kept missing, until a jeering spectator shouted: man: let the girl shoot! narrator: frank obliged. ( gunshot ) ( applause and cheering ) annie hit the targets every time... ( gunshot ) ...much to the dight of the raucous cwd. ( cheering and applause continue ) "butler and graham" soon ceased to be. mrs. butler took a stage name, borrowed from her paternal grandmother: annie oakley. when the shooting team of butler and oakley hit the road, traveling entertainment was in its heyday. man: here you are, little lady, and thank you, madam... narrator: circuses, theater companies and vaudeville acts traveled the country, playing venues from outdoor arenas to smoky saloons. man: all right, folks, step right up. narrator: for annie and frank, it wa