john carlin. q estion, tragedy all the way around. k you both. >> thank you. >> woodruff: in the day's other news, white house chief of staff john kelly ordered an overhaul the personnel security clearance process. he has taken a barrage of criticism over disclosures that former aide rob porter had access to classified material, despite allegations of domestic abuse and a failure to gain security clearance approval. the "washington post" reports that kelly sent a fie memo to top aides today, saying that the white house "must do better the blame game raged today over l.e senate's failure to advance an immigration b president trump started, on the issue of young people who had been protected from deportation tsder daca, a program he w to end. in a morning tweet, he said, "cannot believe how badly daca recipients have been treated by the democrats." democratic senator dick durbin of illinois shot back, saying, "give a break. you killed daca." former republican partyin presidential n mitt romney announced today that he attempting a politic