same writer, john cassidy, new yorker, this week six years later, portrays you in a diaper and he saysell, the gop pushed grover over the cliff. if you were a stock i would sell you. >> again, something was said to years ago when we are coming up on the fiscal cliff in and people trying to make -- if you're trying to argue we should raise taxes and you can attack me personally because the tax issue is a little bit bigger -- >> it's not attacking you personally. it's thing, it's not so much a mathematical argument that it's an argument has been a tectonic change in weight these issues are recorded, even by a lot of top republicans. >> that would be interesting except it's not too. the same six guys, republican the talked about maybe raising taxes at the same six people they have brought out two years ago saying the same thing. and again, they didn't raise taxes before. they just thought about it. i don't want to be too rough on the saxby chambliss but he's never voted for taxes. he just talking out loud about maybe someday doing them. again, we have 92 plus guys in the house and senate