john caulkins said the drug world is very complicated and afghanistan is very complicated and when you put them together you get an extremely complicated situation. in fairness to the authors, they ever just -- they have noted that they have to be modest about their conclusions because of the complication of the situation. but they have fairly simple, straightforward, general principles to apply to a very complicated situation. their argument goes, there is an extremely simple-minded answer which they are rejecting and that is drugs are bad to counterdrugs are good. they have moved us to an intermediate level where they are applying macroeconomics intelligently to the problem but there is a ground level where theya admit, to a good bit of uncertainty and that is the area i'm going to be exploring with you a little bit. ok. it gives me pause to think that if we ask the taliban to vote on whether there should be reduced drug production that they are taxing, they -- we're being told that legitimately they would answer yes. we do think the drug production would increase their tax revenues.