i would offer up what master sergeant john chapman did was fall back on his level of preparation. every extra rep he took, every piece of cognitive thinking he did, every extra lap, all went into his preparation to be there for his teammates in their time of need. i think that is an important lesson for all of us to focus on. you know, we sit there and i go back to when you look at a professional like master sergeant chapman, it really is once again something the chief talked to us about. it's about the ability for us to master our craft. it is about being those leaders of competence. it's about being those leaders of character and it's about being those leaders of consequence. are we making a difference in the lives of our airmen? are we making a difference in the lives of our service members? and once again, you could think about the interactions you have and it's just evident, you know, once again, it goes back to the talent, and we have so much forward-thinking talent across our force at the e5, 02, 03 level, it's almost literally breathtaking. about three weeks ago, had the o