john cioffi is not showing his age, despite the fact he was dsl's father. he was inducted into the internet hall of fame. he's the resip yept of the alexander bell medal he's a marconi fellow as well. he teaches at standford and is familiar to a lot of young engineers. as someone who helped create dsl, is there a future for phone line internet? we're talking about these such simple copper wires going into people's homes. is there a future in dsl? >> well, there is a future. it's been going for about 20 years. there are 500 million paying customers for dsl globally and about 1.3 billion phone lines, and they have tremendous bandwidth and as fiber is used a little bit more incrementally, the phone lines get shorter, and you'd be surprised, you can get gig ga bits per second of information on the newer dsls that are starting to come out and be used. whether it's century link or other providers, that combination of copper, fiber, and wi-fi will allow us to have gigabytes without running a fiber to everyone's wristwatch. >> which is the better technology? you re