john mccain's funeral seven months later about himself? >> it's amazingly disappointed the leader of the free world is that petty in that regard. to say, look, it's not about me but cleary described is really a juxtaposition between two incredibly different men with a different arc of their lives. and the differences could not be more stark. you know, this president will always harbor the really the anger and the angst and the complaint about john mccain in that senator mccain did not vote for the repeal of obamacare. but my comment to the president would be, look, if it was that compelling i don't think the vote would have rested on one man. maybe you need to look yourself in the mirror and say maybe i needed to make a better argument about this. but if you're exclusively looking at an individual to help carry your water, you have failed in your effort to lead us in a particular direction. again, i'm not trying to be political here, but what i am trying to say is the president has an obligation. in the position he is he really could have assumed the high road. we all know there's precious little traffic up on the high road. but it's impossible for this president to do