could be a possibility that takes us to our takes this is it takes us to checkoff it takes us to john coltrane and tony more so than others but in the end we have to believe that we can make a difference and therefore capitalism ought to be not just criticised but we still ought to fight to fundamentally transform it but this is true for patriarchy this is true for homophobia is true for white supremacy is true for all of these various systems that lose sight of the humanity of other people and will die struggling for these causes dr west then. passed it on to the younger generation. oh things. but you're right i mean we you know i wouldn't be doing what i'm doing you wouldn't be doing what you're doing if we didn't have faith that humanity could turn this around that we could really come up on top and win over this global struggle and i wanted to actually mention a podcast that you just had with doctor. ron paul congressman ron paul which really does showcase how there's a lot that libertarians and leftists can agree on we can unite on a lot of things against the establishment instead of havi