my name is john corso. i'm representing union 38. we support dis to be dinnance. this will save over 4,000 units including over 600 below market rate units. we're seeing less projects built and more approved projects are not getting built and we can do whatever we can moving forward. thank you. >> good afternoon. we are opposed to this legislation. it feels like they're being sacrificed for more market rate. even though we're getting a little bit, it feels like scraps but it's not enough to keep our communities intact. for example, 2675folsom street, if this were to pass we would lose 10. we negotiated with them at 21% so this is taking away things that we have negotiated in the past. with many developers in the mission district. i do want to say that some of the developers that we met in the mission are experienced developers, this is not their first time around. they've been building across the country and east bay. we've only dealt with one that had -- it was a family that was trying to develop in the neighborhood. so, to say that there are a lot of family-type