a lot of gay men really do feel about me and about people who have my point of view, he says, john corvino deserves a gay medal of honor for the heroic work he has done keeping his cool and engaging responses in the face of bad and sometimes insulting arguments. john is like your favorite college professor. and so, maybe you can explain, how -- your very good and you've chosen, maybe it is part of being a professor, to engage in relationships with people with whom you profound disagree. and not really to be. i understand how you can sit around and be pleasant, and your kind is the word that comes to mind. when i think about you, as well as intelligent. passionately devoted. and good looking, too. -- and rather good looking, too. so how would you explain to the people who think it's an insult to them to sit around and be civil to people who refuse taking me the symbol of all those people, right? and there'll be people out there watching this going how can john act so friendly and nice to maggie who's doing such awful things? [inaudible] what do you say about that? >> guest: it's funny you q