john creech. pleasant. >> when they came out, they were both crying. >> reporter: they told their mom creech threatened to kill gavin if he didn't stay away from chandy. though 17 months later he vanishes after calling chandy, lisa had a very bad feeling. >> everything changed right then for me. >> reporter: detectives were suspicious, too, remember, chandy told them she didn't see gavin that night. but there was evidence to the contrary. cell phone records showed gavin's phone and chandy's were in the same place that night. a little triangulation narrowed down just where in. >> we came down this street and this was the likely spot. >> reporter: a likely spot for a tryst, that is? parking lot would be empty at night. . >> yes, yes. >> so this is a pretty lonely spot? >> it is. >> reporter: so it seemed on the night he disappeared he met chandrika creech for sex for comfort or just to talk, something. quite a lot to learn from those phone records. but there was more. a third phone. john creech's ph