now i say all that to say th is john cryer with his magic fibers on top of his head. they look good, don't they? you would have known. me neither and i'm a hairnista. of this is what he los like without the magic ir. show the other one. but what i love -- [ applause ] >> wendy: i'm telling you -- i'm telling you beauty supply stores are like a wonder land. and what i love of about john cryer is that he reveals all this on "conan." he doesn't wear a wig. he uses the fibers -- and he has a whole glam that gets him ready and lls him out there to do "two and a half men." look, you wouldn't know through the tv, though,rit? but you'd kow if it starts to ra. do you remember when joe gorga had the fight with juicy joe in new jersey and after the fight was over everybody's ike, what is allhis black stuff on us? that's becauseoe gorga uses fibers, too. he admitted it on the camera. i love of it. hey, i'll talk to you more about this can -- as a matter of fact, maybe i'll demo it on th after showtoday il demo it for you. susan? i'lneed a balding staff member. can yo